Friday 24 August 2018


Everybody speaks but only a few communicates and the latter cannot be said to have happened until what is thought is said and same is unambiguously understood by the recipients. Hence just like a  good/service hasn’t completed its cycle until it gets to the final consumer, communication is not said to have taken place until the message is clearly gotten by the intended recipient of such message.

The connection and effective interaction of human to each other and all other creatures on this planet and beyond is initiated, maintained and sustained by this concept hence reiterating the importance of this great survival tool.

Communication is both an act and an art underscoring the need for tutoring, training and mastery of the all-important concept, everyone speaks but not all communicates because of the absence of the requisite skills expected to deliver quality communication.

One of the greatest illusion or confusion is assume that since a speech or a write up has been done communication has taken place, there is no better definition of castle in the air than this. Having what to really say/write or pass across is as imperative as how, when and to whom it such should be relayed.

To become successful one of the non-negotiable tool or character that must be properly learnt and wisely deployed is great communication skill.

Great ideas ,instruction,opportunity and admonitions are passed out,down and reacted to via this all important tool of communication

Greatness is possible but has a price(s).BE A GOOD COMMUNICATOR.

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