Tuesday 18 September 2018



The election happened recently and the body empowered by law to conduct the election announced the result in the early hours of the next day. A total of thirty five candidates took part in the election but the competition was tense between two candidates.

The following are quick observations/comments on how both individual and their respective party plied their political trade in the just concluded election.

Both parties didn’t have cut edge or practical solutions to any of the hydra headed problems of the people of the state although they cast aspersions at each other they did not mince words about their intention which is the only thing on their mind “the Governor’s seat” even with the laudable educational prowess and achievement of both candidate.

They both had some strengths which they fully deployed, a candidate is from the party that has the seat at the federal level and fully deployed all machineries to his advantage, and the other candidate is from the party that has the current seat of government of the state you can trust all muscles was mustered toward the course.

Both candidate induced voting in their direction, in fact at some polling units the trading was done with so much confidence and impunity reducing electioneering to the like of a physical market, more like a shopping mall/supermarket arrangement “pay and pick”/”pick and pay” the picking being votes. One of the daily online post quoted the British high Commissioner to the country who also raised his voice on the allegations of vote buying saying His country and the USAID are investing a lot in the country in terms of advice, technical and even financial partnership up to the tune of $60M, showing the country’s interest and he hence comments on the process, he frowned at the prevalent practice of vote buying as it undermines any political cum electioneering arrangement.

Both candidates had antics up their sleeves and unleashed it against each other, the story was widespread of one of the promoter of the candidate who alleged being beaten by the armed military officers, whereas on another occasion there was a power tussle between some area boys and the military and there was an accidental discharge and the other candidate shouted and sponsored widespread claim of an assassination attempt.

Summarily we pray that God will give the country godly, visionary, disciplined and masses oriented leaders and also give such will and platform to emerge, and also a clarion call that people with above qualities should also participate in politics so as to with the help of the electorates drive out hoodlums in whatever clothing and platforms and also a plea to the electorates that they should never sell their future for temporary pleasures.If you don’t learn from peoples past mistakes you live most of your lives making and correcting several mistakes, this does not seem to have been understood in country Y. State Y in same country is about to hold another election, but by what’s on ground in that state everything seems to be set for another supermarket arrangement worse than the aforementioned and even interjected here and there with political motivated breaking down of law and order, as there are already various samples of such either reported and prosecuted or otherwise.(everything that is meant by breaking down of law and order).

### Facebook: inspiredatalltimes###
### Blog: inspiredatalltimes@blogspot.com.ng ###
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