Sunday 12 August 2018



Time is one of the few resources equally distributed among all creatures (man inclusive) irrespective of clan, location, status, race or all other differing indices among men.

The turnout of people’s lives can be traced to some things: how they spent their time, opportunities that had (both used and missed), the relationships they have had and harnessed or rebuffed.
Our life is calibrated in time and every seconds is our life fading and passing out, are you spending or investing time and life. Time is life anyone who doesn’t appreciate or place a great premium on time doesn’t appreciate life.

Kindly x-ray your activity in the last five: minutes, hours, days and weeks is the usage of time over this period an investment or an expense when put beside our purpose and pursuit. This tells the direction our life is going except a drastic action is taken. It is our disposition towards time that tells what we describe it a friend or a foe.

Success is a journey (not a destination) in which any successful traveler among other factors must master the usage of time. Successful people invest time, you want to be or continue to be INVEST TIME.

                              ### Facebook: inspiredatalltimes ###
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### Characteristics of successful people ###
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