Tuesday 20 November 2018



One common experience of those who do and achieve so much is that they make mistakes but don’t get stuck with it, they move on and up as soon as it has been clearly established that a mistake has been made.

There is no product who/which did not go through a process, human processes are susceptible to errors/distortions but the end (the vision cum the reward) that producer has in mind won’t make him/her halt the process due to the referenced. No right thinking investor sacrifices anticipated rewards/returns on the altar of unavoidable/circumstantial and small errors or mistakes, he/she rather looks for palliatives or amendments to such should they occur.

It has been said that failure and mistakes teaches better than success and perfection hence the need /necessity of undergoing/experiencing it as part of growing, doing and becoming curve of life.

At times mistakes/failure and errors only shows something that we are supposed to have learnt but haven’t, an ample opportunity to learn, unlearn and relearn, to try again ,harder, smarter and better. Not a destination, deterrent but a propeller.

Mistakes reveals that we are still human, however all successful people are quick to clearly identify mistakes, learn all that is needed from it, reasonably avert a repetition then move on/up     .


  ### Facebook: inspiredatalltimes ###
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### Characteristics of successful people ###
### +2348061174980 ###

Thursday 4 October 2018


Goal orientation refers to the degree of focus on task and pursuing such to an end, a critical analysis of most successful people shows they are continually given to goal(s), this they do perpetually because they understand that success is a journey not a destination.

Goal orientation can be ascribed to both individual and team, a goal oriented person or team works hard till he/she achieves result in the task/goals that they have: given or self-imposed.

A good example is Thomas Alva Edison, an American inventor, a business man, described by Wikipedia as American greatest inventor also referred to as the first to establish industrial research laboratory, a role model per excellence to a lot of people across the world, he holds a whopping 1093 patents across the United States of America.

He has quite a number of quotes but that which we are focusing on goes thus “I have not failed, I just found 10,000 ways with which this invention won’t work” .Undertaking a process/project for 10,000 times tells that the person involved has a laser-beam goal orientation or /and a drive that is simply out of this world. Underscoring the popular acronym explanation of the word focus which is Facing One Course Until Success (FOCUS).  

Want to be successful? Your thought, plans, prayers and action must be goal oriented.

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### Blog: inspiredatalltimes.blogspot.com.ng ###
### Characteristics of successful people ###
### +2348061174980 ###

Thursday 20 September 2018


Folorunso Alakija (born 15 July 1951) to the family of Chief L. A. Ogbara in IkoroduLagos State. At age seven, she travelled to the United Kingdom to begin a four-year primary education at Dinorben School for Girls in Hafodunos Hall in Llangernyw, Wales. After returning to Nigeria, she attended Muslim High School Sagamu Ogun State, Nigeria. Afterwards, she returned abroad for her secretarial studies at Pitman's Central College, London. She also studied fashion design at the American College, London and the Central School of Fashion. She is a Nigerian billionaire businesswoman, one of the richest African women, and one of the richest black women in the world. In 2014, she temporarily unseated Oprah Winfrey as the richest woman of African descent in the world. She is involved in the fashion, oil exploration, printing industries and real estate. She is the group managing director of The Rose of Sharon Group which consists of The Rose of Sharon Prints & Promotions Limited and Digital Reality Prints Limited and the executive vice-chairman of Famfa Oil Limited. Alakija is ranked by Forbes as the richest woman in Nigeria with an estimated net worth of $2.1 billion. As of 2015, she is listed as the second most powerful woman in Africa after Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and the 87th most powerful woman in the world by Forbes.
Folorunsho started her career in 1974 as an executive secretary at Sijuade Enterprises, Lagos, Nigeria. She moved on to the former First National Bank of Chicago, now FinBanknow acquired by FCMB (First City Monument Bank) where she worked for some years ( a fine career path she pursued till she became the director of Corporate affairs with Nigeria International Merchant bank)  before establishing a tailoring company called Supreme Stitches. It rose to prominence and fame within a few years, and as Rose of Sharon House of Fashion became a household name.
In May 1993, Folorunsho applied for the allocation of an oil prospecting license (OPL). The license to explore for oil on a 617,000-acre block—now referred to as OPL 216—was granted to Alakija's company, Famfa Limited. The block is located approximately 220 miles south east of Lagos and 70 miles offshore of Nigeria in the Agbami Field of the central Niger Delta. In September 1996, she entered into a joint venture agreement with Star Deep Water Petroleum Limited (a wholly owned subsidiary of Texaco) and appointed the company as a technical adviser for the exploration of the license, transferring 40 percent of her 100 percent stake to Star Deep.
Once word got out they struck oil the unthinkable happened: the Nigerian government snatched a 40% stake! Later, they took an additional 10%. According to her. She took them to court, for 12 years she fought the government in court, the stakes were high, and the government argued if Alakija and family were allowed to keep their bloc they stood to make $10 million a day! Still she persisted and in the end she won, Subsequently Star Deep sold off 8 percent of its stake in OPL 216 to Petrobras, a Brazilian company.
Folorunsho has a foundation called the Rose of Sharon Foundation that helps widows and orphans by empowering them through scholarships and business grants. Her company is also a major sponsor of the Agbami medical and engineering scholarship scheme, one of the most reliable scholarship scheme in Nigeria with over a thousand people yearly as beneficiaries. Mrs Alakija is a fervent supporter of education in Nigeria; for example in 2014 she donated a substantial amount of money to Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Lapai, the Niger State University. The money was used to complete the construction of a 350 Seat Lecture Theater, which was named after her.
On 1 July 2013, the federal government of Nigeria inaugurated the National Heritage Council and Endowment for the Arts and appointed Alakija as vice-chairman of the body. She is an acclaimed public speaker and the first female to be appointed as Chancellor of a public university in Africa. She is a Fellow of Yaba College of Technology and holds six Honorary Doctorate Degrees. She is a prolific writer and has authored several inspirational books, including her autobiography.

She has served the nation as a member in four different committees and as the Vice Chairman of the National Heritage Council and Endowments for Arts. She also serves as the Chief Executive Matron of the African Young Entrepreneurs, an Ambassador of the Junior Chambers International and matron of several other organizations.

She is an alumnus of the Lagos Business School, a Member, Commonwealth Enterprise & Investment Council Advisory Board and Member, Advisory Board, Harvard University Center for African Studies.

She is a recipient of many awards in various capacities locally and internationally. She is happily married to Modupe Alakija for well over four decades and is blessed with 4 sons and grandchildren.

Follow your dreams: This is an issue that has taken center stage for a while now due to hardship of the developing and underdeveloped economies there seems to be times when one finds self trying to survive on courses or charts (making ends meet) that are not in line with one’s dream or natural configuration but that shouldn’t make anyone lose sight of such dream as one’s fulfillment is embedded in such, it should rather be a launching pad for serious and consistent effort in that direction as displayed by our case study. It is often said that your real provision, popularity and fulfillment lies in your purpose.

Cultivate a drive for excellence: Excellence is a language that attracts well to do people and resources, it’s only a matter of time, excellence is always rewarded. Her drive and insistence on excellence is what made Supreme stitches and Sharon stone house of fashion a house hold name within a limited time frame.

Have more a than a stream of income: except for intervention that are beyond physical which is beyond the scope of this blog, there is a limit to what a single stream of income can get to.it is also paramount that we do note that this does not mean lack of attention or depth on any of the various stream so this must be done with the context of the capacity of the individual and group.    

Do not give up: In this part of the world individuals hardly wins a case against the government, hence some people don’t even dare to try, she is not only brave but doesn’t give up, she instituted a case against the government and stayed on it for twelve good years, she did win, please don’t give up on that issue your winning will emerge sooner than you had thought.

Be kind hearted: When you are graced or do have a privilege and even with what you have now what impact have you had on humanity? To have empowered well over three thousand widows, their children, granting countless scholarships and business grants (at least a thousand per year) amongst others on record asides those without record and not being a politician is a major milestone. Financing a lot of educational establishments are but to mention a few, she deserves some accolades and being studied as a mentor. 

What a worthy example we all have in Folorunso Alakija.

If this write up has inspired or done anything worthwhile kindly share.

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### Learning from successful people ###
### +2348061174980 ###

Tuesday 18 September 2018



The election happened recently and the body empowered by law to conduct the election announced the result in the early hours of the next day. A total of thirty five candidates took part in the election but the competition was tense between two candidates.

The following are quick observations/comments on how both individual and their respective party plied their political trade in the just concluded election.

Both parties didn’t have cut edge or practical solutions to any of the hydra headed problems of the people of the state although they cast aspersions at each other they did not mince words about their intention which is the only thing on their mind “the Governor’s seat” even with the laudable educational prowess and achievement of both candidate.

They both had some strengths which they fully deployed, a candidate is from the party that has the seat at the federal level and fully deployed all machineries to his advantage, and the other candidate is from the party that has the current seat of government of the state you can trust all muscles was mustered toward the course.

Both candidate induced voting in their direction, in fact at some polling units the trading was done with so much confidence and impunity reducing electioneering to the like of a physical market, more like a shopping mall/supermarket arrangement “pay and pick”/”pick and pay” the picking being votes. One of the daily online post quoted the British high Commissioner to the country who also raised his voice on the allegations of vote buying saying His country and the USAID are investing a lot in the country in terms of advice, technical and even financial partnership up to the tune of $60M, showing the country’s interest and he hence comments on the process, he frowned at the prevalent practice of vote buying as it undermines any political cum electioneering arrangement.

Both candidates had antics up their sleeves and unleashed it against each other, the story was widespread of one of the promoter of the candidate who alleged being beaten by the armed military officers, whereas on another occasion there was a power tussle between some area boys and the military and there was an accidental discharge and the other candidate shouted and sponsored widespread claim of an assassination attempt.

Summarily we pray that God will give the country godly, visionary, disciplined and masses oriented leaders and also give such will and platform to emerge, and also a clarion call that people with above qualities should also participate in politics so as to with the help of the electorates drive out hoodlums in whatever clothing and platforms and also a plea to the electorates that they should never sell their future for temporary pleasures.If you don’t learn from peoples past mistakes you live most of your lives making and correcting several mistakes, this does not seem to have been understood in country Y. State Y in same country is about to hold another election, but by what’s on ground in that state everything seems to be set for another supermarket arrangement worse than the aforementioned and even interjected here and there with political motivated breaking down of law and order, as there are already various samples of such either reported and prosecuted or otherwise.(everything that is meant by breaking down of law and order).

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Friday 24 August 2018


Everybody speaks but only a few communicates and the latter cannot be said to have happened until what is thought is said and same is unambiguously understood by the recipients. Hence just like a  good/service hasn’t completed its cycle until it gets to the final consumer, communication is not said to have taken place until the message is clearly gotten by the intended recipient of such message.

The connection and effective interaction of human to each other and all other creatures on this planet and beyond is initiated, maintained and sustained by this concept hence reiterating the importance of this great survival tool.

Communication is both an act and an art underscoring the need for tutoring, training and mastery of the all-important concept, everyone speaks but not all communicates because of the absence of the requisite skills expected to deliver quality communication.

One of the greatest illusion or confusion is assume that since a speech or a write up has been done communication has taken place, there is no better definition of castle in the air than this. Having what to really say/write or pass across is as imperative as how, when and to whom it such should be relayed.

To become successful one of the non-negotiable tool or character that must be properly learnt and wisely deployed is great communication skill.

Great ideas ,instruction,opportunity and admonitions are passed out,down and reacted to via this all important tool of communication

Greatness is possible but has a price(s).BE A GOOD COMMUNICATOR.

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### Characteristics of successful people ###
### +2348061174980 ###

Sunday 12 August 2018



Time is one of the few resources equally distributed among all creatures (man inclusive) irrespective of clan, location, status, race or all other differing indices among men.

The turnout of people’s lives can be traced to some things: how they spent their time, opportunities that had (both used and missed), the relationships they have had and harnessed or rebuffed.
Our life is calibrated in time and every seconds is our life fading and passing out, are you spending or investing time and life. Time is life anyone who doesn’t appreciate or place a great premium on time doesn’t appreciate life.

Kindly x-ray your activity in the last five: minutes, hours, days and weeks is the usage of time over this period an investment or an expense when put beside our purpose and pursuit. This tells the direction our life is going except a drastic action is taken. It is our disposition towards time that tells what we describe it a friend or a foe.

Success is a journey (not a destination) in which any successful traveler among other factors must master the usage of time. Successful people invest time, you want to be or continue to be INVEST TIME.

                              ### Facebook: inspiredatalltimes ###
### Blog: inspiredatalltimes.blogspot.com.ng ###
### Characteristics of successful people ###
### +2348061174980 ###

Sunday 5 August 2018


You can become/achieve anything by simply looking, learning and recreating.

All things being equal (ceteris paribus), One of the easiest ways to become a member of a group or achieve anything worthwhile is a detailed study of how, why,what informs the way the people in the group behaves/how they did what they did, get it correctly, replicate it and one is potentially a member/an achiever of same feat. Principles are universal,if you can get the principle you can get the product.

Having laid that background above, one of the consensus that various years of research of the characters of successful people have is the usage of the concept called PLANNING. They plan and meticulously execute.

The working definition of planning for this write up is orchestration of an event/action/career/life towards a predetermined end.

All task can be tiring/confusing/too demanding/be a dead end without this all important concept, planning reduces the time/energy/stress associated with/chances of failure of any project/program/event and life. Hence before you: embark on that journey/make that move/attempt that business/do that job/write that examination/do that occasion have a detailed and written PLAN.

Plan is a compass,it eases execution,it is a propeller ,it drives towards fulfillment of a purpose,it is a calibrator of milestones, makes measurement of performance or otherwise effortless.  

Being without a plan is also a plan just that it often ends in failure.


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Friday 27 July 2018


  Dr Ngozi Okonjo Iweala born 13 June 1954 was at a time the minister of  the minister foreign affairs and the first female to become the two times minister of finance of the Federal Republic of Nigeria for two terms/tenures from August 2011 to 29 May 2015 and 15th July 2003 to 21st June 2006 and the coordinating minister for the economy from 17thAugust 2011 to 29th May 2015 she was also the Managing Director  of the World bank from 2007 to 2011, she chairs the Board of Global Alliance for vaccines and immunization(GAVI) and the African Risk Capacity(ARC).In 2015 she was named as the being Among the fifty(50) greatest world leaders by fortune magazine.
In 2015 she Joined Lazard as a senior advisor. She has done several nonprofit ventures and have honorary degrees from a very good number of reputable universities around the world.
In 2017 was named as an independent non-executive director at standard chartered PLC in the United Kingdom and by July 19 2018 was named on the board of Twitter Inc. This is clearly a strongly compressed outlay of her career, influence and personality.
To mention but a very few of her impact on the nation, she was instrumental to the wiping off of loans totaling about $ 48 billion USD, she built various systems some of which are GIFMS, IPPIS & TSA all before the expiration of her tenure and this helped fight corruption and reduced ghost workers to the tune of 62,893 saving the nation a whopping $1.25billion dollars. (Source Wikipedia)
The following are some of the lesson to be taken from this beautiful and inspiring life:
1.       She hails from a background where quality education is appreciated and encouraged: having a father who is a professor, She surely had a robust foundation which gave her an edge, we may not all have this kind of edge but the one we have what did we make out of it and what plans do we have to create edges for our successors? There is no way her story would be full without the mention of her father. Bagging a PHD at twenty seven years (27)
2.       She imbibed the trainings she got: no matter the pedigree you are bring to bear ,terminal degrees are not thrown on the laps of people in the developed world where she schooled.(although comparatively it’s a lot easier than most developing and underdeveloped economy).Strong and concerted effort will be spent in the rigorous academic exercise.
3.       She married/associates rightly: A neurosurgeon husband is not a fluke, the fact that she has spent the better part of her life in the upper echelon of life’s ladder without a dirty relationship or story to her name is a sure signal that she is selective of her companion not only her behaviours.
4.       She pursues her goals with vigor: with a fraction like a tenth of her profile a lot of people won’t bother indicate interest in the office of the president of the World back she still fought. In spite of loud opposition she stood her ground that removal of subsidy was the best for the nation a stance that was adopted years later.
5.       Heavy yet dresses and acts simply: A lot of people in the developing and underdeveloped world need to know that simple is style.
6. She was prepared: the training and expertise she gathered early in life made her ready for any opportunity, please live prepared.
May God continue to increase her, grant us wisdom to learn proper lessons from her and raise many of her kind among us.