The word right has so
many meanings but we are concerned with the meaning that has to do gifts/emoluments
and privileges accruable to a person, what pertains or is due/ belongs to an
individual while responsibility are duties/functions or the task to which an
individual is saddled with and is expected to deliver on.
A lot of people only
knows and claims right and are not interested in the responsibility whether it
accompanies their rights’ request or not, undermining the fact that right and
responsibility are the two sides of the same coin. It is just an issue of tilt/preference/inclination/perspective/
focus or vision and understanding.
A person’s right is
just another’s responsibility, invariably if we all: know, are able to do and really
do our responsibilities, there will be nothing for anyone to claim as right (ceteris
paribus). All of this/us will be sorted accordingly, life is like a chain that
ties us all together in a certain way of rights cum responsibility.
Successful people
knows their responsibility and discharges same to the best of their ability,
they also allot responsibility and supervises the achievement of same to
expectation/standard for their success and that of the organisations that they
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inspiredatalltimes ###
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inspiredatalltimes.blogspot.com.ng ###
### Characteristics of
successful people ###
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