on ideas rule the world by Sam Adeyemi
You are what you think as
no one can rise above his/her level of deep and productive thoughts, in what
productive area have we channeled our thoughts today and for how long?
Thought generate ideas,
every form of breakthrough in medicine, theology, electricity, space and any
other field that has brought some utility, leverage or aid/improvement on
things and life in general were first ideas in someone’s mind.
Ideas are seeds and
people full of viable seeds/ideas are sure of a garage filling harvest in
returns in not too distant future all other things being equal, it is therefore
rhetorical/paradoxical how human eats fruits and discards the seed.
Ideas are potent weapon in
fighting: status quo, anything less than excellence and even poverty among
several negative encumbrances.
Identify a need and birth how it can be solved/met
Adapt/adopt, improve and customize another
Simplify a cumbersome process
Be consistently and irreversible
positively minded